The following traffic incidents and congestion for Garth have been reported by Highways England, Traffic Scotland, Traffic Wales or Transport for London (TfL) in the last two hours:
CYNGHORDYDescription: A483Both directionsCynghordyLane closedTemporary traffic lightsCyclic maintenance30/09/24-20/05/25 24 Hrs :, Start time: 30/09/2024 0:00 , End Date: 20/05/2025 0:00, Severity: Moderate, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 30/09/2024 0:00
Nearest town: 10.51 miles from Garth.
CLEARED @ 15:30 CYNGHORDYDescription: A483Both directionsCynghordyLane closedTemporary traffic lightsCyclic maintenance30/09/24-20/05/25 24 Hrs :, Start time: 30/09/2024 0:00 , End Date: 20/05/2025 0:00, Severity: Moderate, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 30/09/2024 0:00
Nearest town: 10.51 miles from Garth.
CLEARED @ 14:06 CYNGHORDYDescription: A483Both directionsCynghordyLane closedTemporary traffic lightsCyclic maintenance30/09/24-20/05/25 24 Hrs :, Start time: 30/09/2024 0:00 , End Date: 20/05/2025 0:00, Severity: Moderate, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 30/09/2024 0:00
Nearest town: 10.51 miles from Garth.
CLEARED @ 13:54 CYNGHORDYDescription: A483Both directionsCynghordyLane closedTemporary traffic lightsCyclic maintenance30/09/24-20/05/25 24 Hrs :, Start time: 30/09/2024 0:00 , End Date: 20/05/2025 0:00, Severity: Moderate, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 30/09/2024 0:00
Nearest town: 10.51 miles from Garth.
CLEARED @ 12:42 CYNGHORDYDescription: A483Both directionsCynghordyLane closedTemporary traffic lightsCyclic maintenance30/09/24-20/05/25 24 Hrs :, Start time: 30/09/2024 0:00 , End Date: 20/05/2025 0:00, Severity: Moderate, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 30/09/2024 0:00
Nearest town: 10.51 miles from Garth.
CLEARED @ 11:18 CYNGHORDYDescription: A483Both directionsCynghordyLane closedTemporary traffic lightsCyclic maintenance30/09/24-20/05/25 24 Hrs :, Start time: 30/09/2024 0:00 , End Date: 20/05/2025 0:00, Severity: Moderate, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 30/09/2024 0:00
Nearest town: 10.51 miles from Garth.
CLEARED @ 10:30 BOTH DIRECTIONSDescription: A40Now openBoth directionsBrecon A470 North to Brecon A470 South, Start time: 17/02/2025 13:33 , Expected end time: 17/02/2025 13:38, Severity: Road closure, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 17/02/2025 13:33
Nearest town: 14.69 miles from Garth.
CLEARED @ 14:54 BRECON A470 NORTH TO BRECON A470 SOUTHDescription: A40Both directionsBrecon A470 North to Brecon A470 SouthIncident ::
Delay: s possibleLocal diversions in place, Start time: 17/02/2025 12:48 , Expected end time: 17/02/2025 15:47, Severity: Road closure, Source: Welsh Government, Last updated: 17/02/2025 12:48
Nearest town: 14.69 miles from Garth.
CLEARED @ 12:54