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Traffic & travel news roundup

Our daily roundup of traffic and travel news and press releases from official transport sources

Traffic & travel news roundup

Published: 23 August 2023
By Chris Haycock

Today''s Major Traffic Incidents

M1 Southbound - M1 southbound at the Tibshelf services slip road between J29 and J28 | Southbound | Resurfacing Location : The M1 southbound exit slip at Tibshelf Services. Reason : Emergency resurfacing. Status : Currently Active. Period : from 03:51 on 23 August 2023 to 06:00 on 23 August 2023. Lanes Closed : All lanes are closed.Severe Disruption - in excess of 3 hours delay or road closure, 5.43 miles of Mansfield.


ITC debates how cities can achieve their net-zero carbon road maps The ITC’s Spring Discussion Webinar took place on the evening of 17th April to examine how our cities can achieve their net-zero carbon transport road maps. An expert panel was assembled with representatives from Transport for London, Nottingham City Council, Cambridge University and Arup Group and more than 50 attendees engaged in a lively and […] (Transport Wales)

Net zero policy hits a new low Net zero policy in the UK has hit a new low. Before the cries of indignation – yes, it is true that the UK once had a record to be proud of. We were the first advanced economy to commit to net zero by 2050, our economy has grown by 65% whilst emissions reduced by… (Transport Wales)

Delivering Net Zero Road Transport The roundtable discussion Pathways to Net Zero – Delivering Net Zero Road Transport was held on 6th June 2023. This session focused on what is now the top priority for net zero: delivery.  Whilst the UK has some good strategies in place, it is vital now to get the right policies in place to enable the… (Transport Wales)

Greener Vision: A Consultation 2022 was our hottest year on record, with an unprecedented number of heat-related deaths, wildfires and infrastructure disruptions.  2023 looks set to be still worse.  But our response is not yet requisite to the scale of the challenge.  Climate change is an existential threat which we have become strangely accustomed to living with. Transport is… (Transport Wales)

Are we nearly there yet? PACTS calls for new transport bill Are we nearly there yet? It appears as though we’re not. In fact it may be that we never get... The post Are we nearly there yet? PACTS calls for new transport bill appeared first on PACTS. (Transport Wales)

Highways England news licensed and reproduced under the Open Government Licence v3.0

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